EvertechPRO Microwave Replacement Lamp Halogen Part Number 6912A40002E replaces 6912A40002A 6912A40002F 6912A40002D 120V 20W 1462319 383EW1A077B 383EW1A077C 383EW1A077D 6912A40002A AH3530398 EA3530398 PS3530398
This is not a LG OEM product. Fits LG Microwave. Use of the Manufacturers trade names and logos are the registered trademarks of their respective owners. Any use of the Manufacturers brand name, part numbers or model designation for this product is made solely for purposes of demonstrating and for identification compatibility and are displayed for descriptive purposes only. Use of them does not associated with, imply any affiliation or endorsement by any manufacturer.