EvertechPRO Wall Oven Replacement Oven Igniter Part Number 5303935066 replaces PS470129 AP2150412 GE WB13K21 WB2X9998 WB13K0021 WB13T10001 08009420 08013883 08067971 10064 10222 12872 3131090 3131300 316030600 316T031P01 316T031P02 3203706 41-204 5303131300 5303207520 5303207521 5303210788 5303937521 5308009420 54099H05 8009420 AH470129 AP00205013 AP205013 AP205016 EA470129 F16-747 F17-038 F17-039 GR411 IGN-4 IGN-5 IGN-8 IGN5 P205013 P205016 P205034 PS470129
This is not a Frigidaire OEM product. Fits Frigidaire Wall Oven. Compatible with dgr6200w dgr8200w 12-1063-00-04 12-1063-00-05 12-1063-23-04 12-1063-23-05 12-1063-45-04 12-1063-45-05 12-1063-57-04 12-1063-57-05 12-1063-66-04 12-1063-66-05 12-1263-00-01 12-1263-23-01 12-1263-45-01 12-1263-57-01 12-1263-66-01 12-1663-00-01 12-1663-23-01 12-1663-45-01 12-1663-57-01 12-1663-66-01 12-1863-00-01 12-1863-00-02 12-1863-00-03 12-2299-00-01 12-2299-00-02 12-2299-00-03 12-2299-00-04 12-2299-00-06 12-2299-10-05 12-3883-00-01 12-3883-23-01 12-3883-45-01 12-3883-57-01 12-3883-66-01 12-3893-00-01 12-3893-23-01 12-3893-45-01 12-3893-57-01 12-3893-66-01 12-4980-00-01 12-4980-00-03 12-4980-00-04 12-4980-00-05 12-4990-00-01 12-4990-00-02 12-4990-00-03 12-4990-00-04 12-5063-00-04 12-5063-00-05 12-5063-23-04 12-5063-23-05 12-5063-45-04 12-5063-45-05 12-5063-57-04 12-5063-57-05 12-5063-66-04 12-5063-66-05 12-5299-00-01 12-5299-00-02 12-5299-00-04 12-6263-00-01 12-6263-23-01 12-6263-45-01 12-6263-57-01 12-6263-66-01 12-6663-00-01 12-6663-23-01 12-6663-45-01 12-6663-57-01 12-6663-66-01 21 Use of the Manufacturers trade names and logos are the registered trademarks of their respective owners. Any use of the Manufacturers brand name, part numbers or model designation for this product is made solely for purposes of demonstrating and for identification compatibility and are displayed for descriptive purposes only. Use of them does not associated with, imply any affiliation or endorsement by any manufacturer.